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Blogger: The One-Man-Company

© 2000-2010

:: 10.12.2001 ::

(ilstening to: Duster: Contemporary Movement)

Gotta get me out of this place. Friday night. Hitting the city. Eating the good food. Need it NOW.

(11:42 AM) :: (link)

:: 10.11.2001 ::

(listening to: Billy Bragg & Wilco: Mermaid Avenue)

Sitting in our room instead of the living room for a change feels nice. Miss Rodeo America stretched out across the floor reading the New Yorker, me dabbling here and there online, Bunny the kitten running in and out every so often. Good lighting. We're heading off to see Ghost World, if for no other reason than to get in on all the conversations about it that keep popping up around us.

I dabbled around the music store by my work today, and was actually pleasantly surprised at their selection. Then I saw a pile of the new Leonard Cohen album and was tempted. Alas, I resisted the urge to blow $16.99 (!) and will wait patiently for a cheaper copy. The reviews are good.

Pause by Fourtet is definitely one of the best records I've heard all year. My list is getting quite full.

(8:28 PM) :: (link)

(listening to: For Stars: We Are All Beautiful People)

I'm getting things done.

Yesterday I listened to the A's v. Yankees game and swept leaves in front of my house. Each time I'd sweep a pile in the street, the wind would blow a bunch back into the yard again. Pretty soon, I started looking at sweeping as a sort of excercise so that it wouldn't matter if I got any leaves out of the way.

We are all beautiful people. This is stuck in my head.

(2:45 PM) :: (link)

:: 10.07.2001 ::

(listening to: Telefon Tel Aviv: Fahrenheit Fair Enough)

MP3 of the week: Rally Boy play pop from Portland, and they're rather good at it. I'm crossing my fingers they'll be touring the West Coast in the coming months. Their new EP, Hooks & Crutches is a good mix of songwriting styles from within the band, from noisy rock songs to flowing soft jams, the CD is an impressive debut from Jealous Butcher Records.

Cleaned off my desk today with the news on across the room, it seems as if my young life has been peppered with U.S. bomb runs on countries far away. First it was Libya, I remember my mom freaking out about how we were at war, and I wondered if I should hide under my bed. In high school we had the Gulf War in Iraq, with sporadic bombings lasting up until the present. A couple years ago the military hit Yugoslavia full force, and now it's Afghanistan's turn. As much as I despise military action, I'm sad to say that I've become accustomed to the news accounts and military advisors explaining what a Tomahawk missile can and cannot do.

Winding down the weekend, listening to the lizards eat their hard balls of food. Each time Baltimore chews one up, it sends crackling noises throughout the room and causes my head to start spinning. Feels like someone is behind me. Put a Shellac poster in a frame. Drank a can of Olympia. Thought about the upcoming work week and quickly put those thoughts to rest. Fall means the heater is on and the sweatshirts are out. Fall means that it gets dark earlier.

(7:27 PM) :: (link)