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Blogger: The One-Man-Company

© 2000-2010

:: 12.06.2002 ::

(listening to: Steve Earle: Sidetracks)

[geek!] :: Up above there is the beginning of my Best Of 2002 list. I'm doing them one at a time, so you can just click on the (entire) image and then scroll through them. Admittedly, it's kind of disconcerting and doesn't work too well, but I'm really bad at doing tables. Also, if you're using Explorer you'll need to have your text size set to "smaller" until I can figure out how to make it prettier. When I get home from work I'll try and make it more user friendly, but until then, enjoy!

(9:21 AM) :: (link)

:: 12.05.2002 ::

(listening to: The Black Heart Procession: Amore Del Tropico)

[i said baby, it aint gonna suck itself] :: As usual, Slatch.com hooks us up and points out these hott Cracker demos from their mullet sessions. The band is making a record all about drinking or smoking pot, or both in some cases, consisting of covers and other live songs. I'm so addicted to "Ain't Gonna Suck Itself" it's not even funny. Actually, yeah, it's pretty funny.

A great shout out as well to Sharpeworld for getting picked as one of Yahoo's Top 25 Sites of 2002, then getting dropped 'cause their web hosting provider decided to cancel their account with no warning. Damn, shame, fine site.

We're going to the Charles Atlas and Mick Turner show tonight at the beautiful Cafe Du Nord in San Francisco. I haven't been there since I saw Low way way way back in 1998, so it should be a treat.

If you could see it now, you'd be *so* jealous of my belt buckle. It looks hot.

(2:57 PM) :: (link)

:: 12.03.2002 ::

(listening to: Do Make Say Think: &yet &yet)

[reason #56 you know you're in the sticks even when you're being "trendy"] :: On Friday while we walking around downtown Visalia, we decided to hit up the hip, art-deco restaurant for some lunch. After waiting forever, the waitress finally made her way over to our table.

Waitress (very young, permed blonde hair): Can I get you some drinks?
Miss Rodeo America: Yes, I'll have a San Pelligrino please.
Waitress: Uhm, a what?
Miss Rodeo America: (looking at the menu, seing it listed) A San Pelligrino.
Waitress: Ok. I'm sorry but I have absolutely no idea what that is.

(Apologies to MRA for forgetting that the above story actually happened to her, but I was there so that counts for something)

(12:32 PM) :: (link)

:: 12.02.2002 ::

(listening to: Love: Love)

venice beach in the winter.

[we're not afraid to ride, we're not afraid to die] :: Bakersfield, sucks. So we ended up staying for a little over an hour and then just heading south into Los Angeles for a weekend of driving and eating and driving, then driving some more. Good times were had, and I've realized that L.A. *can* be beautiful if it's during a torrential thunderstorm.

(12:17 AM) :: (link)