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Blogger: The One-Man-Company

© 2000-2010

:: 12.13.2002 ::

(listening to: Bob Dylan: The Times They Are A-Changin')

[the holes in my shoes let the water seep through] :: It still hasn't stopped raining. We must be going on at least 14 hours straight by now. The cats are going loopy being locked up in the house all day, Oscar is fascinated with killing our lizard, so he just stares at the cage and then runs into the glass. Bunny slept most of the day, but I gave him a cricket to chase around the kitchen in order to keep him entertained. Me? I'm just turning up the space heater and cooking up some fish n' chips for lunch and enjoying the feeling like I'm a kid again, cutting school and fending for myself.

I'm still lagging on my top-ten, but there's a highly informative and very well written list up at AgenByte. I'm downloading that Martin Grech album this very moment.

(3:11 PM) :: (link)

(listening to: Modest Mouse: Sad Sappy Sucker)

[shoop shoop, doo wop] :: I have a much needed day off today, and so far I've spent the morning eating a fine breakfast, petting the sleeping kitties, doing laundry, and listening to the never-ceasing rain. It's been raining since early last night and hasn't stopped a bit, and the roof in my house is leaking (again) so I have a couple pots strategically placed to collect the drips. For some reason though, the rain doesn't seem so gloomy this time around.

(12:49 PM) :: (link)

:: 12.10.2002 ::

(listening to: Iron & Wine: The Creek Drank The Cradle)

[what did you do to end up here?] :: Rain, stress, no sleep, and very bad cats. Pretty much sums up most of yesterday, although today I'm a bit more calm and collected. Since it's pretty stormy around these parts, we had the kitties inside all of yesterday which drove them absolutely *batshit*. So to punish us they fought all night, rattled the blinds, and meowed multiple times in order to keep me up half the night. At 6:00 AM I finally kicked them outside, and when I let them both in an hour later they were both cold, wet, shivering, and pissed at me.

But since they looked so cute wrapped up in an old sweatshirt, I've forgiven them. For now, anyway.

Thanks to my friend's quick computer skills, we (thankfully) picked up some Wilco tickets yesterday for their quick warmup show next month. I'm glad we got tickets, and I feel pretty bad for the throngs of people who missed out. I've never seen the band, mostly 'cause I'm not into huge venues, so this should be a great, great show.

I took down the top-ten list 'cause the format wasn't working very well, but I'll re-launch it this weekend with something more user friendly. Sorry about that.

(9:23 AM) :: (link)

:: 12.09.2002 ::

(listening to: Do Make Say Think: &yet &yet)

[i'm always in love] :: 600 Wilco tickets for a one-off warmup show in San Francisco? Chaos ensues.

(10:33 AM) :: (link)

:: 12.08.2002 ::

(listening to: Bruce Springsteen: Tracks (Disc 3) )

[they're gonna make a tv movie out of me] :: After a late late night of drinking Pabst and playing records, there's nothing like a nice morning cooking breakfast in a quiet house, listening to Dylan, and reading a Steve Earle interview in the latest issue of No Depression. Beat that.

I'm still addicted to the Cracker Ironic Mullet Demos, hence the MP3 of the week.

(1:29 PM) :: (link)