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Blogger: The One-Man-Company

© 2000-2010

:: 9.04.2003 ::

(listening to: Junior Senior: D-D-Don't Stop The Beat)

Earthquake! This is the first quake I've felt in my almost-27th years of living in California. And yes, it was totally freaky. I tried jumping under my table, since I was sitting at the computer at the time, but I then realized that there was too much junk under it. At least I'll know how to prepare for a bigger one!

(7:03 PM) :: (link)

(listening to: Various: The Dog Days Of August, Disc I)

mini-mix #7 :: addicting songs from our august tour

I heard a lot of good music on tour this time, most supplied by the excellent set of CDs my good brother gave me before we left Los Angeles. You should seriously listen to all these songs, especially that Patrick Park tune, since it's the best songs I've heard in *months*. So, very, rad.

I've decided that I dig the new Josh Rouse album, 1972. As the name would indicate, it's a very, very 1970's record, complete with lots of saxophone, a few disco beats, and even a couple flute solos. Depending on your taste, you'll either love it, or think it's the cheesiest piece of dung this side of the Mississippi.

I used to really dig Fireside back in the day. Do Not Tailgate is still a favorite record of mine, even though everyone swears that they sound(ed) exactly like Quicksand. Well, the band is back with a poppier, happier, dancier sound that I totally dig. I'll have to track down that record.

I'm a sucker for the New Trust, I'll admit it.

(11:13 AM) :: (link)

:: 9.03.2003 ::

(listening to: Various: The Dog Days Of August, Disc II)

When I left for tour, my brother gave me two wonderful CDs chock full of good tunes, and now that I'm home I can almost appreciate them more. Good memories, and even better songs.

Once Ye Olde FTP server allows me to do a little fine-tuning, I'll post my mini-mix of MP3s from the road, as well as a little photo-journal sorta thing. Yeah, I promise this time.

(11:42 PM) :: (link)

(listening to: Various: (!)BLCKYLLWBLCK MP3 of the week archive, volume II)

Going back to work will always, always, suck.

  • Did anyone catch Spoon's "Way We Get By" during the opening sequence on The OC last night? Wait, did I just admit I watched The OC? Oooooops!
  • In California, you can actually eat good smoothies and salads!
  • When I left town, 95.7 FM was "The Drive," a weird mix of late 1960's and 1970's classic rock that sounded like whatever you would have found on the radio during that time period. I turned it on last night and found out to my horror that it had become "The Bear," the Bay Area's *only* country station. The songs are all horrible and juvenile, and Miss Rodeo America and I stared aghast yet mesmerized at the radio while listening to some song that said "itty bitty" every other phrase.
  • Junior Senior are the new Wham!

(2:36 PM) :: (link)

:: 9.02.2003 ::

(listening to: The Mountain Goats: All Hail West Texas)

I just noticed that there are some pictures from our show in Seattle in July with Minus The Bear on Sara Sanger's website. Pretty rad.

(4:43 PM) :: (link)

(listening to: Junior Senior: D-D-Don't Stop The Beat)

rhode island

The rumors are true, I'm back from tour. Seeing the states again was pretty radical, and I was not disappointed by Nebraska and Iowa...well, maybe a little bit, but our show in Des Moines was one of the high points of the trip. It helped that they gave us and The New Trust free cans of PBR all night long, and we ended up having PG-13 piggie-back rides across the parking lot.

In related Communiqué news, the rumor is true: our video is up on the Lookout! records website, even though we haven't "officially" announced it yet. I look kinda silly dancing around in a white void, but it's fun (or at least, funny) to watch. Check it out and let me know what you think. Oh, and tickets are sold out online to our show on Friday with the spastic duo of Junior Senior. They might still be available at the venue though, for those of you willing to drive down. The show should be an insane amount of fun.

High points of tour: high-fiving the group of kids who were sitting directly *behind* me in Phoenix as I spun around my little chair, the nice folks in Warrensburg, Missouri, hanging out with Lacy in Chicago twice, the people of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, *not* having to spend a single night in Brooklyn and instead walking around New York City like a lost child, Jen & crew in Boston, The Exit, The New Trust (especially Julia, thanks for the sweatshirt), Liz from Lancaster who came to three shows and helped kill the boredom in Baltimore, Mrs. Pacman, and Chip and Laura from Denver who let us invade their home not once, but *twice* with our bags, laundry, and beer.

The only shame about the trip was that a lot of the shows were kinda bunk, but other than that, I enjoyed myself, but I'm very, very, very glad to be home with MRA, Bunny, and Oscar.

A full photo album from the road to come in the next couple days.


(3:43 PM) :: (link)