//oakland, calif.
//age 33
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Blogger: The One-Man-Company

© 2000-2010

:: 10.10.2003 ::

mra here:
(listening to: smog: the doctor came at dawn)

the highlight of my week so far: my boss coming over to my desk to tell me i just got a (long-overdue) 5% raise. hurrah!

then him coming over 20 minutes later to say he's sorry, but he was mistaken. there is no raise.

ha! that's a funny joke on me!


(2:37 PM) :: (link)

:: 10.07.2003 ::

Yo. I'm on tour again, but Miss Rodeo America is going to be the guest writter here on BLCKYLLWBLCK. Enjoy, ya'lls. I'll pop up every now and then to let ya'll know how the shows are going. Check here for tourdates!

(2:22 AM) :: (link)