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Blogger: The One-Man-Company

© 2000-2010

:: 6.23.2004 ::

(listening to: Ultravox: Vienna)

Miss Rodeo America and I took advantage of a night off practice last night and caught a couple recent documentaries, Live Forever: The Rise And Fall Of Britpop and The Weather Underground. I liked both, and I wrote a few words about them on my film log over at oaklog.com. I mostly use oaklog for the message board, but I really dig the film log controls (although it's impossible to use for records).

Off to the suburbs today for lunch with my Dad, should be good times.

(9:34 AM) :: (link)

:: 6.22.2004 ::

(listening to: OMD: Sugar Tax)

New MP3 of the week. A ton of good stuff came on the iPod this morning while I was marinating some chicken to BBQ this evening, including this great song by Nick Drake that I had forgotten about. One of the good things about digitizing all your music is that you find CDs you forgot about and either learn to love them again or immediately list them for sale on Amazon.com.

I heard so much good stuff today that I knew it was time for mini-mix #9, so stay tuned.

(3:49 PM) :: (link)