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Blogger: The One-Man-Company

© 2000-2010

:: 2.11.2005 ::

(listening to: Cat Power: Moon Pix)

Had a weekday off work today for the first time in forever and ended up riding my bike all over Oakland and Berkeley running errands. Felt good to both be excercising and getting things done at the same time. Went shopping for shoes, hats, and jeans, and came home with nothing, but I did change my Scottish money into American dollars and bought pizza ingredients for lunch. The one bummer of the day was that I tried to take my iPod in to get the battery replaced, and they told me that they'd just send me a new one. I should be stoked, but I've had over a year of programming playlists and ratings into this thing, and now it's all just going to go away. Bummer.

(5:35 PM) :: (link)

:: 2.07.2005 ::

(listening to: Men At Work: Business As Usual)

Back On Top! New MP3 of the week is up, and only a day late (kinda). I heard this song about a month back at the Buffalo Exchange on La Brea in Los Angeles, then re-heard it when we were submitted for a tour with them. Very cool Scottish band in a Madness / English Beat sort of way, and I can't get quite enough of it.

(7:08 PM) :: (link)