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Blogger: The One-Man-Company

© 2000-2010

:: 4.08.2008 ::

(listening to: Modest Mouse: Baron Von Bullshit Rides Again)

This is the 855's post on Blackyellowblack. I still like to think of it as (!)BLCKYLLWBLCK better though since I like the typewriter look.

I had a good night last week of reading back through some of the archives here, especially those of 2001 when I kept a good log of Amscray's US tour and did a (surprisingly) good top-ten records countdown. I was so glad I wrote so much stuff down and posted it here, and it's soothing to know that it will be accessible forever.

I kept wondering why I stopped doing this log as much as I used to but I really know that it's because of all the time I spend on other sites (oaklog, flickr, pizza.saur.us, myspace, etc), well, really not how much time *I* spend on those sites but how those sites came to represent what I wanted to do with (!)BYB. What I wanted back then was a media outlet, a place to post pictures and MP3's and scans of the recent records I bought at Amoeba and a record of travels and day-to-day activities. What makes it so special to me now is just the written record of what I was doing then up until what I'm doing now.

What surprised me the most was how little extra content went with each post. Now I feel like I should add a photo or a MP3 or something from Youtube because that's a lot easier than actually sitting down and writing something. Blogs now are fancy and strive for readership because it's so much easier to make a Myspace page and then ramble on that instead of designing an actual website and putting an effort into creating something people want to read.

That's kind of what I miss. Going through the archives most of the websites & blogs are gone, even the bigger ones (at the time). There are a few holdouts leftover and it makes me happy to know they're still there.

So, yeah. I'm still here. I'm happy to be here as a holdout from when the web began to be something that everyone could use and before it was something that everyone *had* to use.

(11:35 PM) :: (link)